From Refugee to Residence Halls

San San Lwin left her home country of Myanmar for a better life. After meeting her husband in Thailand, they left for North Carolina, bringing their 5-month-old daughter along.  Now 12, Shun Le Win has a younger sister, 10, who is the only one of her family born in America.

San San Lwin now works for Carolina in McIver residence hall, keeping students’ living areas and bathrooms clean.  She calls the students her “second children.” And they call her their “second mother.”  The students say she will go out of her way and asks them about their academics and personal life. Lwin loves her job.

“This is my second house,” she said of McIver. “I really like it.” 

Read the complete Carolina Story from the University Gazette…

San San Lwin received the C. Knox Massey Distinguished Service Award for 2017.

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