Senior finds comfort with her Carolina Family

Michaela Barnette ’20, a dental hygiene and anthropology double major and first-generation college student from Dallas, North Carolina, said unprecedented seems to be the word of the year. 

Unprecedented, for students, has meant extended spring break, moving classes online, disrupted study abroad programs, separation from family and friends, and ― a particular disappointment for Carolina seniors ― postponed commencement ceremonies. 

Amid all of these uncertainties, challenges and disappointments, Michaela was also unsure about where she was going to live. She only knew she had to relocate because of the pandemic.

Michaela came to tears when she learned she would receive money from the Carolina Student Impact Fund to help with her moving expenses. 

“I now truly understand what it means and how it feels to be a part of the Carolina family. Families — to me — provide compassion, graciousness and security. This is what you have done for me. No matter how unpredictable the world around us becomes, I know, undoubtedly, that I always have a home at Carolina.”


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