Creating Exponential Impact

Malbert SmithWhen Malbert Smith III ’77 (M.Ed.), ’80 (Ph.D.) listened to a presentation by a group of UNC School of Education students, he came away thinking: “I would have loved to have had this experience when I was their age.”

Smith is co-founder and CEO of MetaMetrics — a Durham-based company that develops scientific measures of academic achievement and complementary technologies to link assessment results with instruction. Its products have been adopted by major publishers and departments of education across the U.S. 

When the company needed a more efficient way to certify teachers to use its technology, one that moved away from in-person training sessions, it partnered with the School’s Master of Arts in Educational Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (MEITE) program. 

The students delivered an online, on-demand, go-at-your-own-pace Quantile Certification Course as part of the MetaMetrics Educator Academy. Their innovation officially launched near the end of February 2021.

“The talent level of the students, our team was blown away with it,” Smith said. The MetaMetrics partnership is an example of how MEITE students are transforming education technology to serve millions of teachers and students around the world.

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